

The number input component is a user-friendly element that offers a fresh perspective on the HTML number input. It is managed through a library provided by WireUI, which can also be used independently. This component simplifies the process of inputting numerical values and provides an enhanced experience for users.

The number input is user-friendly and offers a fresh perspective on the HTML number input component.

1<x-number label="How many Burgers?" placeholder="0" />

We utilize a library directly from WireUI to manage the number input, and it can also be used independently. For further information about the x-hold directive, please visit this here .

1<div x-data="{ count: 0 }" class="flex items-center gap-x-3">
2 <x-button x-hold.click.repeat.200ms="count--" icon="minus" />
4 <span class="bg-teal-600 text-white px-5 py-1.5 rounded-lg" x-text="count"></span>
6 <x-button x-hold.click.repeat.200ms="count++" icon="plus" />
The Number component receives all options from Input Component .
Prop Type Default Required
icon string minus false
right-icon string plus false